Top 10 Craziest Automotive Myths Debunked

Don’t believe everything you see on TV or read about online, especially if it sounds like an old wive’s tail. These are the ten craziest car myths debunked.

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Don’t believe everything you see on TV or read about online, especially if it sounds like an old wive’s tail. These are the ten craziest car myths debunked.

Whether you’re a car enthusiast yourself or just a regular everyday driver, you’ve probably heard some myths over the years. From red cars getting you pulled over more often to how engine additives will significantly improve your car’s performance. We’ll debunk these and more in this article.

Even though I might consider myself incredibly knowledgeable on cars and the automotive industry as a whole, I haven’t heard every myth out there, nor have I personally debunked them. That’s why we reached out to other enthusiasts and automotive experts from around the country — and even the world — to provide you with a complete list of the craziest automotive myths that have been debunked over the years.

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Ten Craziest Automotive Myths: Debunked

Let's explore and debunk some of the most widely believed automotive myths. These misconceptions have long influenced drivers' habits and decisions. Here's the truth behind those rumors.

1. Red Cars Are More Likely to Get Pulled Over by Police

Police car and Red Car
Police car and Red Car

You might have heard that red cars attract more attention from the police, but this is more fiction than fact. Studies show no significant correlation between car color and the likelihood of getting ticketed. The idea probably stems from the belief that red signifies aggression and speed, making it stand out.

But police officers look for violations, not colors. Speeding, distracted driving, or vehicle defects are what draws their attention. This myth persists because of the striking appearance of red vehicles and the assumption that they are driven more aggressively.

In reality, factors like driving behavior and compliance with traffic laws are what matter, not the color of your car. This myth has been so ingrained in our culture that it's almost become an urban legend. Now you know that choosing a red car doesn't necessarily mean you're more likely to be stopped.

2. Premium Gasoline Makes Your Car Perform Better

petrol dispenser
petrol dispenser

It's a common belief that premium gasoline is superior and that it boosts your car’s performance. But the truth is, most cars are designed to run efficiently on regular gasoline. Premium gas has a higher octane rating, which prevents engine knocking in high-compression engines.

Only certain vehicles, such as sports or luxury cars with high-performance engines, actually require premium gas. For regular vehicles, using premium gas won't improve mileage or performance. This myth likely comes from the "premium" label, which suggests higher quality.

But unless your owner's manual specifies premium gas, you're not getting additional benefits—just spending more money. If you've believed that premium gas could make your car faster or run better, you can let go of that misconception.

3. Letting Your Car Idle Warms It Up Faster

In the days of carbureted engines, warming up your car for several minutes was indeed beneficial. Today, however, idling your car to warm it up is unnecessary and wasteful. Modern cars with fuel-injection systems are ready to drive almost immediately after being started.

Idling to warm up the engine is actually slower than driving the car, and it leads to excessive fuel waste and increased emissions. Manufacturers recommend driving gently after a short idle time to bring the engine up to operating temperature. The belief persists from older vehicle requirements and a desire for personal comfort in cold weather.

So next time it's cold, resist the urge to idle. Start your car, wait for about 30 seconds, then drive off gently for the quickest and most efficient warm-up. You’ll save fuel and reduce wear on your engine by not idling for extended periods.

4. You Should Change Your Oil Every 3,000 Miles


The 3,000-mile oil change interval is one of the most persistent automotive myths. Modern oils and engines are designed to last much longer between oil changes. Many car manufacturers recommend intervals anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 miles based on normal driving conditions.

This schedule can vary with driving habits and conditions, so it's best to consult your car's manual. The 3,000-mile myth is rooted in older automotive technology and the conservative advice of oil change businesses. However, advancements in oil chemistry and engine technology have extended oil life significantly.

Sticking to a more infrequent maintenance schedule as recommended by your vehicle's manufacturer won't harm your car; it'll save you time and money. Remember to check your owner's manual for the best advice on oil change intervals for your car.

5. Using a Cell Phone at the Gas Station Can Cause an Explosion

Using a Cell Phone at the Gas Station
Using a Cell Phone at the Gas Station

You've probably seen signs warning against cell phone use at gas stations due to the risk of an explosion. The reality is that cell phones are not a significant source of ignition at gas pumps. There's little scientific evidence that a mobile phone can ignite gasoline vapors.

It's static electricity that's a more likely culprit in rare cases of gas station fires, not cell phones. This myth might come from a misunderstanding of potential ignition sources around flammable materials. Despite this, precautionary policies are often kept in place for overall safety reasons.

So while it's essential to follow gas station rules and stay alert, you don't need to worry that your cell phone conversation will cause a fire. Just be cautious and avoid any activity, including using a phone, that could distract you from the refueling process.

6. All-Wheel Drive Means You Can Drive on Any Surface Without Slipping

All-wheel drive (AWD) systems provide power to all four wheels, which can improve traction in many situations. However, AWD doesn't guarantee grip on all surfaces, especially on ice or loose gravel. The myth likely comes from advertising and misconceptions about AWD capabilities.

AWD can help you get started on slippery surfaces, but it doesn't improve your ability to stop or turn. Proper tires and careful driving are critical for maintaining control in adverse conditions, regardless of your drivetrain. People often overestimate AWD because it sounds like it offers better overall capability.

The bottom line is that AWD helps in some scenarios but is not foolproof. Always adapt your driving to the road conditions and realize that no vehicle is invincible, irrespective of its drivetrain. Make sure you have the right tires for the conditions you'll encounter and always drive cautiously.

7. Engine Additives Can Significantly Improve Fuel Efficiency

Marketing claims often promote engine additives as miraculous solutions for enhancing fuel efficiency. In reality, most additives provide no significant improvement to your car's performance or fuel efficiency. Modern engines are finely tuned and benefit very little from extra additives.

Automakers typically do not recommend these products, and some additives may even harm your engine or fuel system. The appeal of these additives comes from the desire to find a simple fix that could improve fuel economy and save money at the pump.

It is best to stick with the recommended fuel and maintenance schedule from your vehicle manufacturer. Regular maintenance is more effective at keeping your car running efficiently than any additive could ever be. Save your money and skepticism for the many additives touted as fuel-saving wonders.

8. Tires Should Be Inflated to the Pressure Stamped on the Sidewall

The pressure figure on the sidewall of a tire is the maximum pressure the tire can hold, not the optimal pressure for your car. For the correct tire pressure, refer to your car's owner's manual or the sticker usually found on the driver's door jamb.

Using the proper inflation specified by your vehicle manufacturer ensures the best ride, handling, and tire life. The myth persists because the maximum pressure figure is the most visible and often misunderstood as a recommendation.

Inflation affects handling, fuel efficiency, and tire wear, so maintaining the correct pressure is crucial. Underinflated tires can reduce fuel economy and handling, while overinflation can cause uneven wear and a harsh ride. Always go by the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations for proper tire pressure.

9. Manual Transmissions Are Always More Fuel-Efficient Than Automatic Transmissions

Traditionally, manual transmissions were favored for their superior fuel efficiency compared to automatic transmissions. However, this is no longer universally true. Modern automatic transmissions have become much more sophisticated, with advanced technology like continuously variable transmissions (CVTs) and dual-clutch systems that can shift more efficiently than a human can.

These advancements have closed the gap in fuel efficiency between automatic and manual transmissions. In some cases, automatics are now equal to or better than their manual counterparts in terms of fuel economy. The myth persists from the days when automatics were less advanced and often had fewer gears, which led to higher fuel consumption.

When choosing between a manual or automatic transmission, consider your driving preferences and the specific models you're looking at. Fuel efficiency should be compared based on the individual vehicle's performance rather than the type of transmission alone.

10. Car Color Affects Insurance Rates

The belief that the color of your car influences your insurance premiums is a persistent myth. Many people think that if they drive a red or black car, they will pay more for car insurance because these colors are associated with a higher risk of accidents or theft. However, insurance companies debunk this myth by clarifying that they do not factor in the color of the car when determining insurance rates.

Insurance rates are calculated based on a variety of factors, including the make and model of the car, the driver's age, driving history, location, and the vehicle's safety features and performance. The color of the car does not have any statistical relevance to the risk or cost associated with insuring it.

This misconception may stem from the idea that certain car colors are more visible on the road and therefore safer, or that some colors are preferred by drivers who engage in riskier driving behaviors. However, there is no concrete evidence to support these claims, and they do not impact insurance calculations.